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Writer's pictureGrace Episcopal Church

Join The Journey

Every year we encourage you to consider joining a Journey Group. Why? Well, we will let a participant speak for himself…

During the first year I was more focused on navigating the material and trying to find the meaning to the journey group. While knowing the material is important, each subsequent year has revealed the essence of the journey. I have found the friendships and bonds formed while doing life together in a small group setting, as we learn and grow in knowledge and faith as we follow Christ, are irreplaceable.

I can’t think of a better way to spend time than in prayer and discussion, being in God's Word with fellow believers who not only love Jesus but want others to come to know Jesus as Christ. Along our journey a lot of life has been shared and, with the loss of Don Hires, we have walked along side of our friend through the final stages of life. During this difficult time, I had a front row seat to experience grace, courage, and dignity, and the profound need for a deep and initiate relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.

It has not always been easy making time for these groups; the commitment is intimidating – All I can say is: it is well worth it.

- George Moorehead

Journey Groups will begin again in Fall 2020. Several groups have already tested out Zoom meetings and found they work well, so even the pandemic will not stop the Journey Groups! If you are interested in joining a Journey Group or simply want to know more, contact Leslie Jones at

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