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Journey Groups

Laboring in the lives of others with the intention of imparting one's life, the Gospel and God's Word in such a way as to see them become mature and equipped followers of Christ, committed to doing the same in the lives of others. 



Life-on-Life Journey Groups at Grace can be described as a blend of several activities typically found in most church communities. While they are not solely a Bible Study, Small Group, Accountability or Prayer Group, they are the best aspects of all of these rolled into one. Journey Groups are small in number and are gender-specific. They require weekly commitments from September to May (with exceptions for Holiday breaks). Participants are individually met with to prayerfully discern whether joining a Life-on-Life Journey Group is right for them. 



We would love to have you join us! Please Contact Leslie Jones for more information.

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Children's Church

We look forward to having your child ages 4-9 come play with us!  In Children's Church your child will learn how to recognize and appreciate God in everyday life, deal with the challenges that come his or her way, and through their actions show others how Christ would have us live. Our goal is to make sure that you and your child receive the same message, whether from the pulpit or in our room, so that you can fully explore those teachable moments that happen during the rest of the week. We also make sure your child has a small healthy snack and a restroom opportunity just before we come into the Sanctuary at the Passing of the Peace - we want the children to be ready to enjoy family time together in Church!


Daughters of the King

The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) is an order for lay women in the Episcopal Church with the purpose of encouraging and practicing ministries of prayer, service, and evangelism. Since it is a lay order, members make a lifetime commitment of prayer service and evangelism. Before formal installation, each candidate goes through a three-month course of study.


Episcopal Church Women

The primary goal of Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is to care for Grace members. ECW does not require membership and is open to all women in the church. Meetings are held in the Parish House on the second Thursday of each month (except for summer months), beginning with a covered dish luncheon. ECW also provides soup lunches each Wednesday during Lent following the noon service.

The primary fund-raising project is the annual Christmas Bazaar that is held each November.  Items sold are made and/or donated and proceeds benefit certain outside charities, as well as church organizations. To be added to the call reminder list or if you need a ride to meetings, contact the Church Office.



Our Nursery is available for all children, infant to three years old, during the 10:00am Service. The Nursery is located in the Church Office Building, across from the church. 

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Connect Youth

For kids in grades 4 and above we have an exciting class during the 10:00am Sunday morning church service. The class meets every other week during the school year. (Check the Calendar for dates.) The curriculum is Sparkhouse Connect which makes Bible stories engaging for the tween group. Class begins at 10:00am in Grace Hall, next to the Faith Factory (Children’s Church) and the kids will be back to Grace for Communion.



(352) 622-7881




Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida



503 SE Broadway Street

Ocala, FL 34471


Church Office & Mailing

510 SE Broadway Street

Ocala, FL 34471

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© 2025 by Grace Episcopal Church

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