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  • Acolytes: Acolytes assist bishops, priests, deacons and lay people in order that the Holy Eucharist and other rites of the church can be celebrated with simple dignity, permitting all to participate in the Service. 

  • Readers: Readers come up from the congregation to read Scripture and the Prayers of the People at the Sunday Services.  Ability to read in front of an audience is required.

  • Chalice (Eucharistic) Minister:The Chalice Minister serves the wine during Services. Training is provided by the rector and licensing by the bishop is required for Lay Eucharist Ministers. 


The Altar Guild prepares and maintains everything that is necessary for the Holy Eucharist or any of the sacraments. The worship services could not function smoothly without the dedicated volunteers of this ministry.


Anyone who would like to place flowers on the altar should fill out a Flower Request Form and return it to the church office. The cost is $50.
 Every effort will be made to schedule the Sunday you request, but you may be asked to share a date or move to the next closest Sunday if there are multiple requests. There are no flowers during Lent and only greens are used during Advent.  Donations are also welcomed for Advent greenery.  That cost is $20. This is a wonderful way not only to remember loved ones, but also to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions or just to give thanks and praise God.


Ushers provide the first impression visitors get of Grace Church. They welcome the congregation, hand out bulletins, assist in seating, take up the collection and guide parishioners to the altar during communion. Ushering is a great chance to meet new people. A big smile and a desire to welcome people to Grace Church are the only requirements. 

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