Grace Residency Program
Grace Church is dedicating its energies to create more leaders through it’s
“residency program.” Like a doctor who goes to a teaching hospital as a resident after medical school, Grace Church is a teaching church for new priests. These new clergy will be with us for 2-3 years and then sent out to lead and serve the church and the world. They will be shown the tools to dynamically teach, preach, and lead God’s people in the community.
As a ministry position, the residency is intentionally designed for learning and parish leadership development. The position is tailored to the individual resident. While learning to preach and administer the sacraments are foundational parts of the role (as they are foundational to the role of a parish priest), the other tasks are assigned according to the resident’s strengths and areas for growth. The resident receives thorough mentorship, including book studies, debriefing, and observation of/participation in decision-making. Although all first curacy's include a great deal of learning by nature of the unique role of a priest, the residency is crafted such that learning is not just a by-product of the position but its aim. God has created an incredible community here at Grace and we are the perfect place to train and love the next generation of leaders in the church.
Curacy vs. Residency
A curacy is a position for a “junior priest”. Like the unpaid college intern at a business, they are typically given the grunt work no one else wants to take. They learn, but it is haphazard and they take the position primarily so that they have work experience to put on their resume. It is a foot in the door but not much more.
A curate receives mentorship through the course of typical meetings and, perhaps, to the extent that the curate pursues it.
A curate has little authority or influence.
A curacy is a stepping stone.
The residency is a position crafted, not around the convenience of the existing clergy, but around the learning of the resident. The resident is entrusted with important tasks and even tasks that the rector enjoys specifically so that the resident can learn. The position is an empowering and intentionally growth-oriented one.
The resident receives consistent, thorough mentorship through regular meetings, discussions, and debriefing, among other means.
The resident is invited to observe, question, and participate in decision-making.
The residency is a launching point.