Grace is a praying church. Several opportunities for shared and individual prayer exist at Grace. To request prayer or for more information, contact the Church Office.
Prayer Chain - For immediate and intensive prayer for an emergency or urgent need.
Prayer List - This list of prayer requests is available each week.
Daughters of the King - Prays for the specific prayer needs of the congregation in a confidential manner.
Prayer Shawl - The members of this ministry make prayer shawls, lap robes, and baby blankets. The prayer shawls are blessed and given away to members of the church to offer them comfort and prayer. The shawls are for those in the hospital, rehab, or nursing homes.
The prayer shawls come in all different colors and sizes. Those receiving the shawls can wrap them around their shoulders or lay them across their laps for warmth and comfort. They know that the members of the prayer shawl group are praying for them. This is a very rewarding ministry.