The Clean Church Crew will be a team of volunteers who will complete preventative cleaning after each church service. Each member will be provided with a disposable mask and gloves each time they serve. The team, as a whole, will be asked to wipe down the following areas with Clorox or Lysol wipes (provided):
· Pew backs in open pews
· Pew back tops in closed pews
· Pew sides
· Door handles – interior and exterior doors of the church, Parish House doors, bathroom door handles
· Handrails leading into the church, both sides
· Lectern
· Fold-down shelf with bulletins
· Altar rail
· Poles from pew level to 6ft
· Chairs in the overflow space (Parish House)
These areas will be divided up according to the number of people on the team. With just a small number of people, it should easily take no more than 10 minutes!