1-What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day? John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
2-Briefly tell us about a recent fun activity* you and or your family participated in and why. We have all spent so much time at home during the pandemic yet being home has been my pleasure. I simply look around and before I know it, I have started a new project. Two of my favorite home improvement projects were updating our front entry walkway and painting my driveway. Yes, I painted the driveway!
3-Do you have a favorite recipe or take-out meal recommendation you would like to share?
Yes, there is nothing like enjoying my favorite, take-out meal: Kentucky Fried Chicken, with mashed potatoes and cole slaw. Do not tell the Colonel, but I do prefer the crispy over the original chicken!
4- At the start of the 2021 school year, Grace Church will be offering a new Children’s Ministry program, led by our very own member, Erin van Santen ( Father Frans’s wife). While Erin is busy preparing, she would love to hear how a mentor, youth leader, or Sunday school teacher made an impact on you and why? I believe I had the good fortune to be in Sunday School my entire childhood! Each year I had wonderful teachers that lead me to my confirmation at the age of twelve. I am grateful for learning to love the Lord from such a young age.
