The Three Habits of the Difference Course focus on drawing deeply on Jesus’s encounters in the Gospels and the wisdom of expert peacemakers to help transform everyday relationships. The course gives participants the chance to develop the habits and start applying them to their own lives. If you click on each of the photos below there are introduction videos to each of the the three habits. You can sign up for our Lenten Study at
Listen to others’ stories and see the world through their eyes.
You will learn how to seek to value and understand the other side and explore the limits of our own stories.
Every person is made in the image of God ~ Genesis 1:26–27
Encounter others with authenticity and confidence.
Learn how to build trust with others by engaging our whole selves in honesty, humility and vulnerability.
Our encounters with others are inseparable from our relationship with Jesus ~ Matthew 25:31–46
Find hope and opportunity in the places where we long to see change.
Learn how to offer everything back to God, and allow him to lead us into forgiveness, courage and creativity.
God is making all things new ~ Revelation 21:5.
We are new creations ~ 2 Corinthians 5:16
