Phase 2: Deconstruction
Once you have all the necessary equipment, you are ready to begin. The first two steps are what you might call the deconstruction of your closet.
Step 1: Empty Out Your Closet. Yes, I said empty out your closet.
If you’re used to shoving clothes into your closet, this is going to be weird because you’re about to take everything out and probably find some stuff shoved in a back corner that you forgot about. Remove everything from the closet, including hangers, baskets, bins, and anything else that might be on the floor or shelves.
Step 2: Deep Clean Your Closet. You mean I have to clean now?
You need a clear, clean space to plan and visualize how you're going re-organize your closet. First, dust the shelving and hanging rods. Next, run the vacuum or sweep and mop the floor. Finally, wipe the shelving, hanging rods, walls, and baseboards down with a good all-purpose cleaner. Don’t forget any baskets or bins that could have been collecting dirt and dust.
Step 3: Declutter Your Clothes, Shoes, and Accessories
Now comes the part you’ve either been looking forward to or dreading. Some people fear decluttering because they love to hold onto things they “may need one day” or “used to fit/be in style.” Focus on what to keep rather than what you’re getting rid of. Start by separating your clothes into four distinct piles:
Keep: Anything you love and wear often.
· Consign: In order to sell or consign items, your clothing, shoes and accessories must be in good shape. Most consignment stores prefer them to be name brands.
· Donate: These items should be in good shape. Think “gently used” when adding to this pile.
· Trash: Clothing to trash would include anything stained beyond repair, ripped, hopelessly out of style or anything that you would be embarrassed to donate.
When you're trying to decide whether or not to keep something, it's helpful to ask yourself these questions:
Do you love it?
Do you wear it?
Does it project the image you want to portray?
If the answer is "yes" to all three, then you can confidently place that item into the Keep pile.
If you’re really having a hard time deciding whether to keep an item, create a “maybe” pile. Put your maybe pile into a bin and revisit it 1, 3, or 6 months later. If you forgot about items or never thought about wearing them, you can confidently donate or consign them.
By: Rosemary Grooms
