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Writer's pictureGrace Episcopal Church

Liturgical Feature of the Week: Canticles During Advent

What is a canticle and why do we use it during Advent?

A canticle is a "little song". There are a handful of songs in Scripture, besides all the psalms. You can follow the Advent trail with these canticles. During Advent we replace the psalm in our readings with a canticle.

Advent 2 is about John the Baptist preparing the way of the Lord, so we use the Song of Zechariah from Luke 1. Zechariah, John's father, praises the Lord and speaks words of comfort and encouragement to his baby son during his circumcision and presentation in the temple.  

Advent 3 we use The First Song of Isaiah from Isaiah 12, which praises and thanks God for sending us his Son, even though we don’t deserve him. Isaiah’s prophecies of a child being born unto us, to a virgin, who would be the Root of Jesse, have come true so we praise God who promised and delivered. 

Advent 4 we use the Magnificat - Mary's song of praise to God after she is told by the angel Gabriel of God's plan to bring a Savior to the world through her womb. Amazing. 

Enjoy these little songs, during this big season of waiting, watching, and wondering.

For more information on these fun facts, here is an informative post:

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