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Writer's pictureGrace Episcopal Church

Member Spotlight: Marylin Corsiglia!

1-What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day?

Throughout the last year, I have used these two verses of scripture as my “spiritual salve”:

· Psalm 61:2 When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.

· 1 John 4:4 Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

2-Your family and you have been a valued Grace member for a long time. Please share how long ago it was, what brought you here and tell us about a fond memory.

I was born in Ocala but did not return to live here until 1962. I am a cradle Episcopalian and since we lived two blocks from Grace it was a given that we would attend church there. Good thing, because we did not own a car! The 1960’s were a special time for children at Grace. There were so many of us. My brother and I sang in the children’s choir. My girl scout troop met at Grace and was led by Mrs. Tuck and Mrs. O’Neal who were also Grace members. A special moment for me was my confirmation in 1966. My class had over 20 children plus many adults. Back then, you could only take communion if you had been confirmed. It was a special moment in my life as a Christian. My marriage to Robin in 1992 was also a very special moment. Father Bob Smith performed the ceremony, and he would pass away several months later

3- What is it that Grace Church has, (like a secret sauce) that keeps you engaged, week after week?

In my opinion, there is no better place to worship that in our sanctuary! I always feel at peace when in the Lord’s presence there. The beautiful wood, colors and flowers all contribute to a great worship experience. Knowing that I will be constantly challenged to grow in my relationship with the Lord through this liturgy along with the preached word has kept me at Grace all these years.

4 - At the start of the 2021 school year, Grace Church will be offering a new Children’s Ministry program, led by Grace’s very own member, Erin van Santen (Father Frans’s wife). While Erin is busy preparing, please share how a mentor, youth leader, or Sunday school teacher had an impact on you and why?

Two of Grace’s saints come to mind, Mary Lou Gilman, and Mary Jane Gale Snook. Let’s just say that these two women showed the love of Christ to me in a way I cannot begin to describe. They invested in me, and I am forever grateful. Another important person during my teenage years was Father Rob. He led our EYC (Episcopal Young Churchman) weekly group meeting. I remember we could talk about anything. I had so many questions during that time in my life. We made an especially important connection. What a blessing Grace has been to me all these years.

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