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Writer's pictureGrace Episcopal Church

Member Spotlight: Elaine Heitman!

1-What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day?

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

2-Briefly tell us about a recent fun activity you and or your friends/family participated in.

Our three grandchildren are in Williamsburg, Virginia. On a most recent trip there, the middle granddaughter (3.5 years old) expressed a desire to “go shopping with Gigi.” She “skipped school” (her words) and we had a fun day where she got a rare opportunity to be an only child. We went out to a restaurant for breakfast (which she has not done since COVID hit), I bought her a travel suitcase (for her Disney cruise next January, which is still a surprise), and fairy wings for Halloween.

3-Do you have a favorite recipe or take-out meal recommendation you would like to share?

My college degree is in Home Economics (Child Development) and I excelled at “Quantity Cookery,” but seldom do I get the opportunity to make 48 baked apples at one meal. Drick and I can eat for three days off a Sonny’s Barbecue family meal. Our weekly treat is coffee con leche from Tom’s Cuban restaurant in our neighborhood.

4- As co-vice chair of Grace’s Episcopal Church Women’s (ECW), 75th Annual Holiday Bazaar, please share why you first became involved, a fun memory and what you are most excited about at the bazaar, held one day only on Saturday, November 13, in Grace Hall.

Oh, how I missed the bazaar last year! After being involved for nine years in the planning, execution, and fellowship, it was devastating. I so look forward to presenting our creations to the church and the wider community this year. One of my favorite moments is when Ann Anderson’s community friends come looking for her – she shines. Also, who but Ann would offer to strangers an individual tour of our church!

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