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Writer's pictureGrace Episcopal Church

Member Spotlight: Jeremiah Hetzel!

Jeremiah Hetzel dressed as actor 'Ted Lasso' (of the award winning Netflix series) with Father Frans, while trick or treating with their families.

1-What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day?

Ephesians 4:2-3 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

I am naturally inclined to talk first and listen second. I like things to happen quickly. This verse reminds me to slow down, show humility, and be patient.

2-Your family and you have been a valued Grace member several years. Please share how long ago it wasy, what brought you here and tell us about a fond memory

In 2011, Heather and I were visiting a lot of churches. I was burnt out with visiting churches, but she pushed on. She visited Grace and thought it might be the place for us. I went with her shortly after and was intrigued but apprehensive. I wasn’t sure I would be comfortable with all the “rituals” (standup, kneel, sit). Pretty soon after that, Fr Jonathan gave a sermon about the reason we do the things we do at church which helped explain a few things for me. Eventually, the “rituals” felt reverent and comforting.

3- What is it that Grace Church has, (like a secret sauce) that keeps you engaged, week after week?

I like the small, intimate feel at Grace and the warm, beautiful building. The mix of traditional and liturgical worship with modern and relatable messages is unique and special. Grace feels like a family to me.

4-All Saints Day, is often a day where we celebrate holy baptism. Whether you’ve attended, are a God parent, or recall your own baptism, share with us how baptism, a journey of learning about God’s love and growing in faith, has played a role in your life.

We became godparents to our friend and next-door neighbor, Jamison Stephens, when she was a kid. Once we became her godparents, we were more intentional about our relationship with her. She is an important part of our lives. We named our daughter, Claire Jamison after her. Jamie is now Claire’s godmother!

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