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Writer's pictureGrace Episcopal Church

Member Spotlight: Sharon Mai!

1-What is your ‘go to’ bible verse to get you through the day? Why is it special to you?

Would love to put something really creative and different, but when it comes down to it, the 23rd Psalm has always been first for me in every circumstance. The healing, trust, direction, protection and comfort it provides is unsurpassed and He does indeed ‘restore my soul’.

Due to beyond ridiculous working hours, cooking takes a major backseat though I do enjoy it when time allows. I have a favorite chicken salad that I make and bring in for our staff to munch on from time to time. (fair warning: they will eat pretty much anything.)

*For a time-saver, I typically use a Publix rotisserie chicken.

Mandarin Chicken Salad

Dressing: 1/8 tsp salt, 1 Cup mayo, 6 TBL Orange Marmalade & 1 TBL lemon juice. Mix well.

Combine 1 diced chicken, 15 oz mandarin oranges (drained), 1 cup sliced almonds or pecans, 1 cup red seedless grapes. (Actually, I guessed at those last three measurements, just add them according to taste) - Mix in the dressing and let it sit in refrigerator for at least a couple of hours.

Serve w/assorted greens, sliced hardboiled eggs, carrot sticks, ripe olives, cheese slices (and whatever else suits you.)

3- What is it that Grace Church has, (like a secret sauce) that engaged you, and keeps you engaged, week after week?

My introduction to Grace was through the youth group led by Rob and Mona Saunders in 1969. My dear friend, Juanita (long-timers might remember Evelyn Bostick, her mother), invited me into the group and evening services led by Fr Durrance. I was at home with the community of faith at Grace immediately and wanted to stay, but remained Presbyterian with my family. I had studied music at CFCC (along with Martha Slemmer) and UF, then started the organ around 1979 with then Grace organist Andrew Walker. It felt like coming home when in January of 1988 Grace selected me as the new organist. So many changes over the years, but one thing that never changed was my love for the heart and music of this church. It is my privilege to continue providing Praise through Music with Adam and our merry band of musicians.

4- What was your most memorable experience in 2021?

Sad to say, the infamous “Raccoon Rescue” takes top billing. The short story is that my car took off and ran over my leg during my rescue, ironically, of a raccoon that had been hit by a car. Raccoon is doing great, car is fine, and I anticipate many more months of leg therapy as I continue to heal. God was probably laughing Himself silly, but definitely watching over His animal lover. With His continued protection, hoping that is the first and last time I get to appreciate the weight of a vehicle!

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